C18 Phases: SP-ODS-HP

The ODS-HP Series offers the highest possible bonding density using our most advanced endcapping technology, while not compromising on surface area. Its 24% carbon loading is the highest of our ODS phases. The additional carbon increases retention time to stretch your peaks even further apart, allowing separation of your product of interest from very closely-related impurities.

Our proprietary endcapping combined with the high carbon content guarantees stability across an extremely wide pH range, giving further flexibility to your operating conditions.


Typical Applications

Highest bonding density and wide pH range for challenging separations.

Small Molecules

Synthetic Peptides

Endcapping + Loadability

The high surface area of 450 m2/g allows you to achieve high loadability of your product.

With its special combination of the best endcapping and highest surface area, the ODS-HP Series is suitable for your most difficult separations of synthetic peptides and small molecules.


Carbon Loading

1.1 mL/g

Pore Volume

450 m2/g

Surface Area

Available in 100 Å pore size and 3, 5, 8, 10 and 15 μm particle sizes

Ordering Information (SP-ODS-HP)

Product NamePore Size (Å)Surface Area (m2/g)Pore Volume (mL/g)Particle Size (µm)% of Carbon

Did you know?

HP stands for “High Performance,” as this series can overcome your extremely difficult separation challenges.

Other DAISOGEL Products in HP Series

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