2-6 kD
MW Compounds
As the development of therapeutics has progressed through the years, the purification of mid-size molecules have taken an important role in separations science. These applications range from early polypeptide hormones such as calcitonin, to the trend of longer-chain synthetic peptides such as exenatide, to an emerging class of therapeutic oligonucleotides, to the growing global need for improved versions of recombinant insulin.
This growing class of therapeutics with 2 to 6 kD molecular weight requires a family of silica gels with a range of pore sizes, particle sizes and endcapping to optimize your purification.

‘Just Right’ for Mid-Size Molecules
DAISOGEL offers one of the widest ranges of high-performance spherical silica gels, all manufactured under our renowned quality system. With pore sizes ranging from 100 Å to 300 Å, various carbon loadings, and unique endcapping, we surely can provide a silica gel that will help you sustain purity for your mid-size therapeutic.
Bulk Silica Gels with 100 – 300 Å Pore Sizes
The following DAISOGEL products are suitable for the purification of products with molecular weight between 2 –6 kD. Click a silica gel pore size to learn more.
Did you know?
DAISOGEL offers technical support to optimize your mid-size molecule separation.